India Abroad features India Home in a cover story! Plus we’re on Huffington Post!

India Abroad is the oldest paper aimed at the Indian Diaspora in America

India Abroad is the oldest paper aimed at the Indian Diaspora in America

India Home becomes the cover story in India Abroad! India Abroad is the oldest newspaper aimed at the Indian diaspora in America and is both a print publication and online site. Recently they published a special edition on seniors and gave prominent place to a long cover feature on India Home.

An excerpt:

Talk to the seniors at India Home and before long they will pull up photographs of their white or Hispanic or Asian sons and daughters in law and their mixed race grandchildren living in places such as Cleveland or Florida.

This is not a generation that has resisted assimilation.

Yet, in their old age they long to return to their roots. They want to be around people who speak their language and who like the same favorite foods.What makes India Home unique in the New York area is that its programs are organized around the philosophy that understands that as South Asians age, they want the familiar comforts of home.

Click here to read the rest of the story

The story was also published on the popular website The Huffington Post