At India Home’s centers our seniors find community through a diverse range of programs and activities, from educational talks on health and nutrition, financial safeguards and elder law, to trips to museums and parks and advocated for themselves at City Hall. Our seniors sing, do garba, take yoga and art classes. They celebrate July 4th and Diwali and Id and a host of other festivals. They love dancing- whether it is to Bollywood music or traditional folk songs. Our programs, which are run out of existing senior center facilities and faith-based places, encourage active participation and social interaction.

Our seniors sing, do garba, take yoga and art classes. They celebrate July 4th and Diwali and Id and a host of other festivals. They love dancing- whether it is to Bollywood music or traditional folk songs. Our programs, which are run out of existing senior center facilities and faith-based places, encourage active participation and social interaction.
Our seniors themselves have put together performances of folk dances and bhajans, and even organized a sari fashion show, displaying the beauty of traditional South Asian attire. They’ve gone on trips to Amish country in Pennsylvania and taken intergenerational cruises. We also focus on political exposure and advocacy by encouraging our seniors to be active and participating members of the local and national democratic processes.
Our programs include:
- Health and Wellness Programs
- Expert-led Community Education
- Congregate Meal Program
- Recreational Activities
- Case Management
- Advocacy Program
- Awareness Campaigns